About me
While there are many historians, and good ones, he might add, Tyrone DuBose made up his
mind to become an R&B Historian. One that Solely focused on the preservation of the legacy,
charts, and history of R&B music. The results of the many years of his research allow people to
get a better understanding of the music they're hearing. It allows music lovers to immerse
themselves in the hidden details of the music, artist, and charts. There is a story behind every
artist. The way in which they grew up, the times that they have spent in perfecting their craft,
the importance of them spending every waking minute, hour, and day in a studio to provide a
sound of perfection, hoping that the audience will hear what they hear. And as a historian, it
allows you to not just give a perspective, but the truth about an artist who is long overdue in
their time of being given the accolades for their positions not just in music, but the world.